Those dreaded new year resolutions

Victory in Ivory: Ancient Greek female costume

Victory in Ivory: Ancient Greek female costume

When it comes to resolutions, I run a mile from heavy commands with an or-else clause built in. Even so, I can’t help noticing that here we are again at the start of a brand new year. Every commentator and blogger and TV channel (etc etc) is summarising the past year and making forecasts. You can’t escape the sense that this, like every new year, is a moment for serious reflection.

So (like you, maybe) I’m thinking, what will next year be like for me? How will it compare with last year? What do I want to do, yearn to do, intend to do? Not to be, but to do? Instinctively I keep the objectives specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound — something between save-the-world and a tiny (30-second) habit.

Be yourself: good choice

Happily I have now shucked off a job that ate my brain in 2017: maybe it improved my character, but I’m reverting to my old (ha!) self again. I’m looking forward to doing more of the things that bring me joy.

  • I think idly, I’ll have another adventure… probably going to the Mature Moves conference in Tasmania in September…
  • I know I’ll be writing a book: no decision required, it’ll happen. I’m ready!
  • Some home maintenance jobs loom up and as usual, I’ll do them sooner or later.
  • Everyone’s life needs a bit of a tweak now and then. When the time comes, I suppose I’ll just do it: I wouldn’t say that requires a resolution.

If my resolutions seem sloppy to you, at least they are not intimidating—I hope. There’s nothing more depressing than the list of a super-achiever.

So basically, I’ll just enjoy the life I’ve got. It’s a funny little life, but I love it.

Image: Victory in ivory, an image from Ancient Greek female costume, public domain.

6 thoughts on “Those dreaded new year resolutions

  1. Whether we look ahead in January or in June, the things to change are only guidelines. There is nothing I hate more than overachievers (although you can only call them that if they actually achieve something and most don’t) with overwhelming lists that will make them look like Mother Teresa in December. No worries with me. I will live peacefully, doing what I need to do in a proper timeline. Have a great New Year!

  2. Here’s to an easy life. I worry about people who worry about setting huge goals, and make them public. Sometimes, for some people, that’s the right thing to do. For most of us, to “live peacefully, doing what I need to do in a proper timeline” is something to embrace. So let’s both carry on being ourselves, and yes, having a great New Year.

  3. Aunt Beulah says:

    I enjoyed reading your sensible and do-able resolutions, Rachel; and this line sparkled for me: “It’s a funny little life, but I love it.” Every year I like to choose a word or a brief saying that will set the tone for the year ahead of me (last year it was the word authentic, which inspired me to let my hair go its natural gray way). For 2018, I intend to adopt your closing sentence. So I’ll be thinking of it and of you often!

    1. That’s so delightful to know. It is truly how I feel. Or rather, “It’s a funny little life AND I love it.” Thank you.

  4. Wendy says:

    Fabulous. A new year resolution to be kind to yourself; sounds like the one for me.

    1. Enjoy and thrive!

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