Too old to write another book?


Writer’s block, Part 1

I wrote the first draft of the first chapter of my next book. Unconcerned as always about the quality or even the topic, because a first draft is just that. (Significantly, the chapter was called I didn’t want to write this book.)

Months have passed since I wrote that first chapter. I’d never stopped “working on it”, and my office is overflowing with books, links, and notebooks real and virtual. I kept writing on my blog now and then— and yet curiously, I hadn’t written another word of the book.

Is old age the cause of my writer’s block?

This nasty question is a variation on a mantra that rings and rings, like an automated fraud call from India: “Your current problem is an inevitable, insoluble, bloody awful consequence of advancing age. Get used to it.” Too often that thought springs to mind automatically.

Resist, refine, reframe! Make a list—that might help.

  1. First let’s clean out the pejoratives and make it a genuine question: Is this non-typical (of me) procrastination at least partly a consequence of old age? (Now we’re in business.)
  2. If so, what can I do about it?
  3. If not, what else might be causing the problem?
  4. OK, how can I solve the problem?

Because I’m 78 I have to take this question seriously: is it a sign of old age, that I, who have loved the act of writing all my life, cannot get started on this particular book?

True, my short-term memory does seem to be changing. It’s mobile, it feels like layers of misty muslin, shimmering and distorting with digressions and flourishes. But I believe it was ever thus.

Is my ageing short-term memory to blame?

Half asleep one morning, I constructed half a chapter in my mind, just the way I used to do for every book I’ve ever written. But at my desk later, I couldn’t remember the gist. That delicious creative hypnogogic creative flash was gone, puff, into the void. Like we all do, one day.

So what does it mean, that I forgot two pages of “thought”? As I learned recently[1], our memories are dynamically recreated with each recall. Our brains do not store complete memories but dedicate perhaps a single neuron to remembering something highly specific, freeing most of our brain resources to work on constructing meaning. Remembering and perceiving use the same mental process. When we try to remember something, we’re not just fishing in a pool of complete memories, a pool that grows bigger and bigger as we age, we’re working to make sense of something.

So if I can’t remember what I was going to write, too bad. Why waste time reconstructing a reconstruction when I could use the same resources to construct meaning from scratch, to start from the same point (namely forgetting what I’d decided to write) and think a new thought? The old thoughts were not wasted just because they got forgotten.

Instant write-up trumps instant recall

Fortunately I remembered something else: After thinking a scene or a chapter, I used to write it down immediately, without delay. Interrupting the flow is wasteful, damaging, an insult to the muse. To re-establish contact, I would need to tweak my morning routine—again.

Writing a book requires a functioning brain and a functioning body: all of these eventually degrade—but right now mine are functioning, and that’s all I ask.

Writing a book requires energy and stamina

It also requires intense, sustained, consistent bursts of energy. For us old people, loss of energy can be a problem. I commiserate with my friends but I tend not to admit to it personally. However, at this moment, as I type, nobody’s reading these words, so I will admit that torpor features in most of my days. Catch me after lunch. Sometimes, happily reading, sometimes doing pointless Sudoku. Never dozing! It’s just that I often wake from not-dozing with quite a jolt. Sometimes I debate whether to have a little lie down, but by then it’s too late.

Nevertheless, for many hours of the day I have a familiar level of energy, and my days are my own, I’m in charge of the way I spend my time. No job, no business, and an almost manageable set of commitments. In the last two years I’ve kicked two major stressors out of the way: first my business, then the thankless role of body corporate chair. I am free to reshape my days.

Rejected: old age as a barrier to writing

And so, here and now, I forbid myself to blame the physiology of old age as a legitimate cause of my mysterious procrastination.

Surely now I’ll be able to unpick the true cause or causes of an unfortunate case of writer’s block.

[1] Rodrigo Quian Quiroga. The Forgetting Machine: Memory, Perception, and the “Jennifer Aniston Neuron.” Interview with Ginger Campbell, MD. Brain Science Episode 141

Illustration from Old Book Illustrations, public domain, by Peter Newell in Hunting of the Snark

22 thoughts on “Too old to write another book?

  1. LA says:

    Just wrote like you’re having fun….

    1. And that’s a fact.

  2. toutparmoi says:

    Well writ, friend. I think that, barring any truly debilitating disease of mind and/or body, writers can keep writing long after they’ve accepted that some other activities may be getting beyond them.

    1. Writers in general, you bet. The great just get greater, what’s more. Still I had to check this writer in particular.

  3. Beautifully written and I am new to writing and I would say not very good at the moment. I was struggling at first because I was trying to write on a keyboard and found it was blocking my creativity, now I just write with a pad in my favourite place. No worry about grammar and just let the ideas flow freely. Your an inspiration.

    1. Yes, i have also found technology can be a genuine barrier sometimes. You seem to have your own writer’s block sorted!

  4. Dan Antion says:

    I hope I’m not too old – I haven’t started.

    1. Nah, never too old. It’s not mandatory 😑

  5. alison41 says:

    A thought provoking post. I’m 2 years younger, but can relate to your points. I too have shed some tasks/duties/offices and am resolute about not serving on another committee. I have paid my dues. I have a 3 part fantasy novel written – but it needs a massive edit and re-write, and I just don’t get to it. I lack the energy. I’m my own worst enemy.

    1. It’s worth unpicking the reasons. Maybe you don’t want to, don’t care. It’s not compulsory and whee, we are free!

  6. Roy says:

    Hmm. Food for thought, if I can remember what I was thinking. But my main problem is focus.

    1. If you notice (rightly or wrongly) a lack of focus, that’s a pass. And your lack of focus has a certain charm 😌

  7. Aunt Beulah says:

    Well, Rachel, I read this more than once because of its relevancy to my life and situation. Two years ago I decided to try writing fiction, wrote three chapters about a character who interests me and will soon run into a conflict I’d enjoy solving — or not. I was excited and motivated, but I haven’t been able to get back to it since. So I followed your self-analysis carefully and then then pondered it a bit; and, really being 75 has nothing to do with my reluctance to work on my novel again as I had been thinking might be true. So next I need to try to do an analysis of just what my problem might be. Thank you for helping me to reconsider my novel and why I have neglected it.

    1. I look forward to hearing what the true reason/s

      1. …turn out to be. Let us know the verdict!

      2. Aunt Beulah says:

        I decided some nagging health issues I’ve had combined with a heavy travel schedule during the past year for a variety of important family events and some decisions my husband and I have been making about what we want our next years to look like sapped my energy to a greater degree than I realized. Things are settling down now, so last week I looked and what I had done, liked it, and spent a happy afternoon writing. I intend to do the same tomorrow. I think I was frustrated by my circumstances more than blocked.

      3. That makes perfect sense to me. Now you can relax into writing with pleasure.

  8. Wendy says:

    Lovely Rachel. I’m a bit younger than you and suffering a similar plight but being a true procrastinator I haven’t even begun to wonder why. Perhaps you’re just happy doing other things. Whatever the reasons, I hope you find a happy resolution.

    1. Thank you Wendy, the oroblem has solved itself. Good luck with your own delaying tactics—wherever they lead you.

    2. Thank you Wendy, the oroblem has solved itself. Good luck with your own delays!

  9. mitchteemley says:

    Your window of my own not-too-distant future inspires me to press on, Rachel. Thank you!

  10. I over-think so you don’t have to! I am finding my seventies a sweet spot, so all is well.

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