How does a garden snail rate with our feline social media influencer?

Cat inspecting a snail, think bubble with one star

A garden snail is of minimal interest to Ursula the middle-aged wannabe social media influencer

Ursula likes hunting, but prefers things that move fast and erratically, such as flies or cicadas. She doesn’t appreciate the slow slimy mode of locomotion favoured by the common garden snail. One star from our wannabe social media influencer.

5 thoughts on “How does a garden snail rate with our feline social media influencer?

  1. Sadje says:

    Lol! šŸŒ

  2. Dan Antion says:


  3. Ally Bean says:


  4. alison41 says:

    Sensible cat.

  5. Elizabeth says:

    I think she is being very generous in giving it even one star!

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