
Random impromptu decluttering works too

Sometimes I surprise myself with a sudden rush of activity that is maybe necessary but low priority. Today, hours after Mr Trump became President Elect of the USA, I made huge inroads into my cluttered, dusty, illogical bookshelves. I ignored items #1–5 on the to-do list and did #99 instead. 26 books for Arty Bees, Wellington’s phenomenal […]

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Waiting: it’s a hobby

The seminar would be late starting, because of a technological hitch.  The famous choreographer said, “I’m good at waiting. It’s my hobby.” This startling statement has stayed with me longer than any of his brilliant insights into dance. I decided to adopt this hobby myself. Since then every slow queue, every delayed airline, every lonesome minute in a cafe or […]

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How I became a born-again walker

Who am I to give advice about walking? Somebody who used to be not a human as we know it but a balloon on a string, that’s who. I deeply appreciate the joy of walking for that very reason: for years I was virtually unconscious of my body when out for a trot. All my […]

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9 tips to self for walking young, safe and happy

So, how can we walk more mindfully on our everyday excursions? (Not during a formal walking meditation: that’s a different kettle of fish.) And what can we copy from the best young walkers? And what else makes a walk through town a delicious adventure? These are tips to myself, and some may appeal to you. Some are […]

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